Nice to meet you

Since its founding in 2019, Productory has been providing technology consulting services and artificial intelligence training to Estonian and Lithuanian companies and organizations.

We have assisted in creating digital products, strategizing product development, designing visual identities, and helping companies understand the potential of using artificial intelligence and digital automation processes.

Jarmo Tuisk

Jarmo Tuisk is a recognized expert in the field of AI, whose diverse career includes extensive international experience in product management as well as strategic planning skills.

Kristiina Tuisk

AI trainer and consultant with extensive experience in the public sector. A seasoned expert who has contributed to shaping numerous national strategies.

Kristiina Tuisk - AI koolitaja ja konsultant, Productory AI Agentuuris

Our experience

We have conducted training for over 2000 individuals, including in-house corporate sessions and open courses as part of the EBS Executive Education program. In addition to training, we have assisted companies in brand creation, UX/UI design, product strategy, and web development.

Up-to-date knowledge about AI

Latest news, comments and advice

July 21, 2024

AI Summer 2024: The Hype is Over, Time to Face Reality?

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June 17, 2024

Mastering LinkedIn Storytelling: Captivate, Engage, and Influence

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June 7, 2024

Beyond the Hype: A Pragmatic Guide to AI Implementation in Business

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