AI implementation in an organization

During this training module, we learn about the levels of AI implementation, starting from individual tools to enhance productivity, to how to integrate artificial intelligence into a company's products or business processes.

AI Training // AI Koolitused // Productory AI // Tehisintellekt // Artificial intelligence

What we will cover in this course?

AI and People in a Shared Organization
- How to integrate AI technologies into your business processes?
- What needs to be considered when using AI? What becomes crucial for enhancing employees' skills and knowledge in the future?

AI Solutions from an Individual Employee's Perspective
- Artificial intelligence as an aid in enhancing and amplifying employee skills.
- Automating tasks with the help of AI.
- Examples of how AI has changed ways of working.

AI Solutions for Team Collaboration
- AI as a productivity booster for teams through:
 - Improving information flow.
 - Enhancing information accessibility and quality.
 - Making the planning process more efficient.

Integrating AI into Company Services or Products
- Easily integratable solutions (no-code, low-code).
- Adding AI capabilities via APIs.
- Training and fine-tuning your own AI models.

AI tools covered in this course

  • ChatGPT
  • Coda and/or Notion
  • Sonix and/or Audiogest
  • Zapier or
  • jt
Learning outputs

Why choose this course?

  • Gain a quick overview of the key considerations when adopting AI in your organization.
  • Get acquainted with existing results and practical examples of AI adoption.
  • Learn about the main methods through which AI can help increase an individual employee's productivity.
  • Discover how AI can assist teams.
  • Receive a comprehensive overview of the possibilities for integrating AI into your company's services or products.
Get in touch with us

In-house training tailored to your needs

Contact us and let's discuss a program tailored specifically for your organization.

Kristiina Tuisk

AI trainer and consultant with extensive public sector experience, including participation in the development of various national strategies.

Kristiina Tuisk - AI koolitaja ja konsultant, Productory AI Agentuuris

Our experience

We have conducted training for over 2000 individuals, including in-house corporate sessions and open courses as part of the EBS Executive Education program. In addition to training, we have assisted companies in brand creation, UX/UI design, product strategy, and web development.

Up-to-date knowledge about AI

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