Image creation models for beginners

This training introduces image creation artificial intelligence and teaches how to use them in daily work. Image creation AIs can assist in creating illustrations for social media posts, presentations, blog posts, and more. But how do you use them and how do you extract high-quality images from them? This is what we'll teach in this training.

AI Training // AI Koolitused // Productory AI // Tehisintellekt // Artificial intelligence

What we will cover in this course?

Introduction to image generation models

  • What are image generation models and how do they work?
  • What are the significant image generation models today?

Practical first experience

  • Getting acquainted with Bing Image Creator and creating initial images.
  • Basic rules for crafting image creation prompts.

What should image creation prompts consist of?

  • Types of image creation prompts.

Image creation process with ChatGPT

  • Exploring the built-in Dall-E3 image generation capability in ChatGPT.
  • How to improve images with ChatGPT.

Image creation with Midjourney

  • Introduction to Midjourney and how image creation works there.
  • How to achieve better quality? Tips and tricks for improving image quality.

AI tools covered in this course

  • Bing Image Creator
  • Microsoft Designer
  • ChatGPT ja Dall-E3
  • Midjourney
  • Adove Firefly
  • Magnific.AI
Learning outputs

Why choose this course?

  • Understand what image generation models are.
  • Learn to use simpler image creation artificial intelligences.
  • Learn how to better construct your image creation prompts.
  • Gain insight into more complex, yet powerful, image generation models.

Get in touch with us

In-house training tailored to your needs

Contact us and let's discuss a program tailored specifically for your organization.

Kristiina Tuisk

AI trainer and consultant with extensive public sector experience, including participation in the development of various national strategies.

Kristiina Tuisk - AI koolitaja ja konsultant, Productory AI Agentuuris

Our experience

We have conducted training for over 2000 individuals, including in-house corporate sessions and open courses as part of the EBS Executive Education program. In addition to training, we have assisted companies in brand creation, UX/UI design, product strategy, and web development.

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